Project Owner: Jennifer Marton Bray
Project Status: DONE!!! 403 of 403 completed
Date of Completion: May 18 2022
Welcome to Project 403!
Project 403, my effort to paint all 403 episodes of Bob Ross's show "The Joy of Painting" was completed on May 18, 2022. A few days later, Bob Ross Inc certified me as the first officially recognized person to reach this achievement. The paintings are now available for sale! All paintings are 20" x 16" oil-on-canvas using the same wet-on-wet technique that Bob used. You can read more about my journey in this article published in "Hometown News".
To view or purchase my paintings, click on the "Purchase / Episode List" link above. There, you will find a list of every Bob Ross episode, and you can click on any episode to see more details, as well as an image of my version of Bob's paintings. When viewing the episode details, you can click on the thumbnail(s) of my paintings to see a full-size image.
Major Announcement
On May 18, 2022, Mrs Jennifer Marton Bray completed her quest to paint every single painting that was featured on The Joy of Painting. This was an effort that started early in 2020, just after the COVID-19 Pandemic began. During this time, in addition to weathering the Pandemic, she endured a serious car crash and continues to live with MPN, a rare cancer. As a result, many of her recent paintings required significant effort, especially on days when she was in pain or fatigued. It has truly been a labor of love.
When Jennifer started this project, her one and only goal was to paint all 403 episodes. As she neared her goal we began discussing her imminent achievement with Bob Ross Inc. It was at that time that she gained definitive knowledge that she was on track to be the first Certified Bob Ross Instructor to complete the paintings from all 403 episodes. In the course of those discussions it also became clear that very few (if any) people had painted every episode. There is some tenuous information that someone may have done this before, but it has proven difficult to locate any specific details. At this time, we are unaware of anyone that has previously completed all 403 episodes, which if true would make Jennifer the first! Now that she has finished her final painting, we are working with Bob Ross Inc to audit and certify the achievement. Regardless of whether she was actually the first or not, Jennifer is incredibly happy to have achieved the goal that she set for herself over 2 years ago. She sincerely hopes that this will inspire others to strive for the same goal, and to find joy and happiness in painting.
You can see all of her paintings by clicking on the "Episode List" link above.